South Florida's Real Estate Market in 2021

It will take time for South Florida to fully process the long-reaching changes resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the more immediate effects, however, has been a sharp increase in home prices—thanks in combination to federal efforts consisting of low borrowing rates, and a local lack of inventory.

Across the South Florida region, prices climbed over the course of 2020. Even now, nearly 12 months since the sweeping lockdowns that slammed the country, the trend has continued, pushing prices past previous historic highs.

This isn’t unexpected, of course. The simple laws of supply and demand coupled with the typical buying frenzy that accompanies drops in interest rates are anything but unpredictable. So too is the fear of missing out on…

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South Florida Real Estate Market Report

South Florida Real Estate Market Report

How's the South Florida real estate market?

As we enter 2021, we’re taking a moment to reflect on a quarter that closed out one of the most unique years of our lives.

Last year taught us that home is so much more than the place where you sleep at night. As the lines in our lives began to blur, so did the way we experienced home. A formal dining table that was once merely for show moonlighted as our childrens’ desks as they navigated a new world of virtual learning. Kitchens previously used for an occasional dinner were enhanced with new gadgets and recipe books, as millions of US residents tried their hands at bread-making, cocktail-mixing, and getting that restaurant-worthy recipe “just right”. Living…

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