Once you are approved for your home loan, packing up your house and preparing for the movers might set your mind at ease. But in reality, this is the time that you need to pay extra attention to your lifestyle and how you spend.

Although you have already made good on a down payment and disclosed your earnings history, a diligent lender will recheck your credit right before your settlement date.

Lenders will look to you to assure them that “nothing has changed.” Those exact words. Some precautions to consider before you finalize the big move:

  1. Avoid Applying for New Credit: You may be tempted to open a new line of credit, for instance at a home center or large retail chain, to furnish and update your new home. But just the act of applying for a…

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BOCA RATON, FL - February 14, 2014 — Lang ISG, led by Brian Pearl, a well respected South Florida Realtor recently announced their new level of success, reaching his goal of $30 million in sales volume for 2013.  Although inventory was low, the real estate market was hot and Brian was sure to make the best of the lack of homes available.  “We worked mostly with buyers so creative strategies helped get the deals done,” said Pearl.  “It’s difficult when you have buyers, but no inventory to sell to them so you have to work with what you’ve got.”  He went on to state that innovative marketing and technology attracted many buyers to their website which was a primary source of buyer and seller leads.

“It was an amazing year and it is great to be recognized…

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